Green Lake Sedation

Sedation Dentistry in Seattle's Green Lake


If you're looking for a Seattle sedation dentist, look no further than Green Lake Cosmetic Dentistry. We offer a variety of sedation options that can help you relax and get the dental care you need. Contact us today to learn more about our Seattle sedation dentistry services.

Benefits of Sedation/Sleep Dentistry

Sedation dentistry can offer a variety of benefits for patients. If you have dental anxiety or fear, sedation can help you relax and get the care you need. Sedation is also a great option for patients who have trouble getting numb, have sensitive teeth, or need extensive dental work. With sedation dentistry, you can rest assured that you'll be relaxed and comfortable throughout your entire dental appointment.

Man Smiling Holding Face After Tooth Extraction

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a pill that you take before your dental appointment. This type of sedation will make you feel drowsy and relaxed, but you will still be awake and able to respond to questions from our team. Oral conscious sedation is a great option for patients who need more extensive dental work done.

IV Sedation

IV sedation in dentistry, also known as intravenous sedation, is a form of conscious sedation used to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during dental procedures. It involves the administration of sedative drugs through an intravenous (IV) line, which allows the medication to take effect quickly and allows the dentist to control the level of sedation throughout the procedure.

During IV sedation, the patient remains conscious and responsive, but they are in a deeply relaxed state. This type of sedation is often recommended for patients who experience dental anxiety or phobia, have a strong gag reflex, require extensive or complex dental treatments, or have difficulty sitting still for extended periods.

What to Expect

When you come in, our team will help you to choose the right type of sedation for your needs. We will also go over any instructions with you before your appointment, so that you know what to expect. During your appointment, we will closely monitor your vital signs and make sure that you are comfortable throughout the entire process.

Dr. Vo is well versed in complex restorative dental procedures. Patients can opt for sedation and relax through their entire appointment during these procedures, such as dental implants, oral surgery, smile makeovers, and less invasive treatments like dental cleanings.

Am I a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

If you have dental anxiety or fear, exploring the options of sedation can greatly benefit you. During your new patient exam, we'll go through your medical history and determine if there is anything that could prevent you from safely receiving nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation.

Contact Us Today

If you're interested in learning more about sedation dentistry in Seattle, contact Green Lake Cosmetic Dentistry today. We offer a variety of sedation options that can help you relax and get the dental care you need. We'll work with you to find the right solution for your needs and help you get the care you deserve.

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